If you're an admin of both Pages, you may be able to merge them. This option is only available for Pages that represent the same thing and have similar names. If your Pages have physical locations, make sure the addresses are the same.
To merge your Pages:
Click Settings at the top of the Page you want to keep
Click Merge Pages and click Merge duplicate Pages
Click to check the box next to the Page you want to merge
Click Merge Pages and follow the on-screen instructions
The people who like your Pages and any reviews, ratings and check-ins will be combined, but posts, photos and the username will be permanently deleted from the Page you merge. The Page you want to keep will remain unchanged, except for the addition of people who like the Page, reviews, ratings and check-ins that were merged from the other Page. The Page you don't want to keep will be removed from Facebook, and you won't be able to unmerge it.